Anales de SAOA 2016
Simposio Argentino de Ontologías y sus Aplicaciones
ISSN: 2451-7518
Ontological Engineering is a multidisciplinary field that deals with the study of the theories, concepts, methodologies and tools supporting the construction of conceptual models shared among a community in specific domains. In the last years there has been a new interest in ontology application to solve modeling problems in several areas of computer science and information system fields, such as Artificial Intelligence, Linguistic, Big Data, Knowledge Management, Semantic Web, Heterogeneous Database Integration, etc.
Worldwide, researchers in all these areas recognize the need for a serious commitment with ontologies in order to provide a basis for their work, where ontologies are seen as a general theory of the types of entities and relations t hat exists in their research fields. Moreover, in recent years many enterprises related to the application of ontologies and semantic technologies have emerged.
The Argentine Symposium on Ontologies and their Applications aims at providing a meeting point among researchers from different fields as well as professionals from industry having interest on ontologies. SAOA encourages the submission of original contributions ranging from academic research to industrial and business applications having a significant impact as well as lessons learned and best practices in ontology development.
- Marcela Vegetti (INGAR-Dpto. ISI, CONICET-FRSF UTN)
- Andrés Diaz Pace (ISISTAN-CONICET, UNICEN, Argentina)
Program Committee
- Ale, Mariel - UTN - FRSF, Argentina
- Almeida Falbo, Ricardo-Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil
- Caliusco, María Laura - CIDISI - Facultad Regional Santa Fe (UTN), Argentina
- Cecchi, Laura Andrea-Universidad Nacional del Comahue- Facultad de Informática, Argentina
- Chiotti, Omar-INGAR (CONICET/UTN), Argentina
- Fillotrani, Pablo -Universidad Nacional del Sur - Com. de Inv. Científicas Prov. Bs.As, Argentina
- Gonnet, Silvio -INGAR (Conicet – UTN) - FRSF, Argentina
- Gomez, Sergio Alejandro-Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
- Guarino, Nicola-ISTC-CNR Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Trento, Italy
- Guizzardi, Giancarlo -Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil
- Gutierrez, Ma. de los Milagros - UTN - FRSF -CIDISI, Argentina
- Henning, Gabriela Patricia-INTEC (Universidad Nacional del Litoral, CONICET), Argentina
- Leone, Horacio - INGAR (Conicet – UTN) - FRSF, Argentina
- Monteserin, Ariel- ISISTAN, CONICET-UNCPBA, Argentina
- Olsina, Luis -GIDIS_Web, Grupo de I+D en Ingen. de Software y Web Fac. de Ing., UNLPam, Argentina
- Parente de Oliveira, José María-Aeronautics Institute of Technology - ITA, Brazil
- Reynares, Emiliano -CIDISI – UTN FRSF, Argentina
- Rico, Mariela -CIDISI – UTN FRSF, Argentina
- Schiaffino, Silvia- ISISTAN, CONICET-UNCPBA, Argentina
- Villarreal, Pablo -CIDISI - UTN Facultad Regional Santa Fe- CONICET, Argentina