5º Simposio Argentino de Informática Industrial (SII 2016)

SII 2016: Call for Papers


The Argentine Symposium on Industrial Informatics (SII) is an open forum for researchers, practitioners and students that use and/or develop models and computer systems for industrial applications, both in academic and professional environments.
The main objective of the symposium is fostering the interaction and exchange of ideas, experiences, and results of the professional and research activities of its participants in the area of Industrial Informatics, through technical sessions and discussion panels.
The Argentine Symposium on Industrial Informatics SII 2016 will be held as part of the 45th Argentine Conference on Informatics (45 JAIIO), from September 5th to 9th 2016 in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Topics of Interest

Works sent to SII 2016 should report relevant research results and industrial experiences in the following (or other related) areas:
•    Decision Support Systems
•    Information Systems (ERP, CRM, DRM, MRP, SCEM, etc.) and Industrial Platforms
•    Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Systems
•    Automation and Industrial Robotics
•    Software and Systems Architectures in Industrial Applications
•    Real Time and Transactional Systems in Industry
•    Process Control and Monitoring
•    Real Time Optimization
•    Production Planning, Scheduling, Control, and Optimization
•    Supply Chain Design, Planning, Control, and Optimization
•    Logistics and Supply Chain Management
•    Enterprise-Wide Optimization
•    Optimization Under Uncertainty
•    Industrial Information Networks
•    Interoperability and Systems Integration
•    Collaborative Systems in Industry
•    Business-to-Business (B2B) Information Systems
•    Cloud Computing in Industrial Applications
•    Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Applications
•    Industrial Modeling Based on Software Agents
•    Traceability and Event Management
•    Industrial applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
•    Industrial applications of RFID and EPC Systems
•    Computation and Simulation of Processes
•    Performance Measurement and Benchmarking
•    Cognitive Systems in Industry
•    Quality Management and Control
•    Intelligent Shop-Floor Management
•    Innovation Engineering and Management

 Important Dates

•    Deadline for paper submission: May 9, 2016  Extended to May 30, 2016
•    Notification of acceptance/rejection: July 8, 2016
•    Deadline for "camera-ready" submissions: July 15, 2016
•    Registration of at least one author for each accepted paper: July 22, 2016
•    45th JAIIO: September 5 – September 9, 2016.

Manuscript Submissions

Authors are invited to submit contributions in the following three categories:
•    Research Papers presenting original research results. The submissions must not have been previously published or be under review at another Conference, Workshop or Journal.
•    Experience Reports presenting practical experiences, applications of methods, tools, etc., in areas related to the Topics of Interest of the Symposium. The reports should include a brief description of the problem/context in which the experience took place, the method or tool applied, as well as the results and conclusions obtained.
•    Extended Abstracts giving an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss their latest developments, ideas, investigations, experiences and challenges in the field that are still not ready for a full paper. The submission should include an extended abstract, with a recommended maximum of 1 page extension, including all text, figures and annexes and a poster (size to be specified).

Papers and reports should be submitted according to the LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) format. Author guidelines can be downloaded from: formatos
Manuscripts can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese, should not exceed 12 pages, including tables, figures and references, and must be submitted in PDF format. All submitted manuscripts will be carefully reviewed by members of the Program Committee, considering their originality, scientific or technical contribution, quality and clarity.
Accepted papers and reports will be published in the SADIO Proceedings of the 45th JAIIO. All accepted contributions of SII 2016 will be orally presented. Oral presentations are 15 minutes each, followed by a 5 minute questions and answers session.
At least one of the authors of each accepted manuscript must register to the conference before the deadline for camera ready submissions in order to include the work in the Symposium.
Submissions should be made through the SADIO's conference management system. To upload your contribution you first need to register and sign in. If you have any problems, check the detailed instructions about registration and submission.

Program Committee

•    Alberto Vargas (IEE-CONICET,FI-UNSJ, San Juan, Argentina)
•    Aníbal Blanco (PLAPIQUI-CONICET, Bahía Blanca, Argentina)
•    Diego Cafaro (INTEC-CONICET, UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina)
•    Eduardo Romero (UTN-FRVM, Villa María, Argentina)
•    Erica Fernández (INGAR-CONICET, Santa Fe, Argentina
•    Fernando Mele (CONICET, UNT/UTN FRT, Tucumán, Argentina)
•    Gabriela Corsano (INGAR-CONICET, UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina)
•    Horacio Leone (INGAR-CONICET, UTN FRSF, Santa Fe, Argentina
•    Jorge A. Palombarini (UTN-FRVM, Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina)
•    Jorge Montagna (INGAR-CONICET, UTN FRSF, Santa Fe, Argentina
•    Jorge Vega (INTEC-CONICET,UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina)
•    Luis Zeballos (INTEC-CONICET, UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina)
•    Mabel Sánchez  (PLAPIQUI-CONICET, UNS, Bahía Blanca, Argentina)
•    María Laura Caliusco (CIDISI-CONICET, UTN FRSF, Santa Fe, Argentina
•    María Roldán (INGAR-CONICET, UTN FRSF, Santa Fe, Argentina)
•    Mauren Fuentes Mora (INGAR-CONICET, Santa Fe, Argentina)
•    Oscar Iribarren (INGAR/CCT-CONICET, UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina)
•    Oscar Quiroga (CONICET, FIQ UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina)
•    Rodolfo Dondo (INTEC-CONICET, UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina)
•    Silvio Gonnet (INGAR-CONICET, UTN FRSF, Santa Fe, Argentina)
•    Verónica Bogado (UTN-FRVM, Villa María, Argentina)
•    Yanina Fumero (INGAR-CONICET, UTN FRSF, Santa Fe, Argentina)


•    Carlos A. Ruiz (SOTEICA VISUAL MESA, UTN-FRRo, Rosario, Argentina)
•    Ernesto C. Martínez (INGAR-CONICET, UTN-FRSF, Santa Fe, Argentina)

Contact Information

For questions regarding the symposium please contact: sii@45jaiio.sadio.org.ar

Plenary Lectures

Different practical approaches for process and energy systems real-time optimization (RTO)

Dr. José Alberto Bandoni
Dr. Fernán Serralunga
SOTEICA VISUAL MESA, Santa Fe, Argentina


The main objective of this conference is to expose the two different scopes and technologies used for process and energy systems real time optimization (RTO), discuss the technical counterpoints, introducing and explaining each one of the different issues and methodologies as well as the practical ways to deal with them in industrial applications.
It will be mentioned, for example, that the cost of energy (e.g., the costs of steam at different pressure levels, electricity, etc.) may vary with time and the "Energy RTO" can help to calculate their marginal cost in real time (e.g., for the different pressure levels of steam and electricity, especially when they are internally produced) to provide them to the "Process RTO" so it can now take the right economic decisions considering the appropriate, realistic and updated, price of energy.
Optimization methodology as well as industrial examples for each one of the process and energy systems will be presented. Process RTO scope usually covering only the process side, area or unit wise, equation oriented modeling and optimization, nonlinear programming (NLP), usually applied over an advanced process control (APC) layer of APC, mostly in closed loop, etc. Energy RTO being mostly site-wide in scope, modular oriented modeling, both continuous and discrete optimization variables for a mixed-integer nonlinear (MINLP) optimizer, calculating derivatives by finite differences, not necessarily applied over an APC but conventional control, often in open loop but sometimes in closed loop.
Attendees will receive descriptions about how to cope with those two similar but structurally different problems: optimize the process (Process RTO) which may include minimizing the total cost, producing more products, more efficiently and / or with lower energy consumption, versus delivering to the process whatever energy is required (Energy RTO) at minimum cost. Both RTOs have different scope and technologies but complementary results in order to increase the overall industrial site profitability.

Biographical sketches:
José Alberto Bandoni es investigador en la Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química (PLAPIQUI), instituto de investigación y desarrollo en el área de Ingeniería Química, con doble de la dependencia de la Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS) y el Consejo Nacional de la Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET).
Es Ingeniero Químico en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y Doctorado en Ingeniería Química de la UNS (Bahía Blanca, Argentina), ocupando actualmente posiciones académicas, como Investigador Principal del CONICET y Profesor Titular en el Departam
ento de Ingeniería Química de la UNS. Desde 1992 a 1995 se desempeñó como Senior Lecturer en el Departamento de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad de Sydney, Australia.
El área de investigación del Dr. Bandoni e
s el modelado matemático para diseño, operación, simulación, optimización y planeamiento en sistemas de la industria química y petroquímica, del gas y petróleo, de alimentos, agronómicos, biológicos y de cuidad de la salud, aplicadas en muchos proyectos de trasferencia para empresas e instituciones en Argentina y Australia.
Ha dirigido numerosas tesis de posgrado (doctorales y de maestría) en Argentina y Australia, y en la actualidad está supervisando otras tesis doctorales y maestrías en la UNS, habiendo sido difundido su trabajo en cientos de publicaciones, tanto en revistas internacionales como congresos nacionales e internacionales.
Como docente ha dictado numerosos cursos de grado y de posgrado, abarcando asignaturas como métodos numéricos, diseño en ingeniería química, ingeniería económica,  proyecto final, modelado y optimización de procesos, métodos numéricos, simulación y optimización de procesos y métodos avanzados de optimización. Se ha desempeñado en diferentes funcione académico-administrativas en Argentina y Australia, y es miembro del comité editorial de la revista científica internacional Latin American Applied Research (LAAR).
Fernán Serralunga es Ingeniero Químico y Doctor en Ingeniería Química, graduado en la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL), Santa Fe, Argentina. Su especialidad es la optimización en tiempo real de sistemas de energía. Como becario doctoral desarrolló su trabajo de investigación en INGAR (UTN-CONICET).
Desde 2006 a la actualidad ha trabajado en Soteica Latinoamérica S.A. (Soteica Visual MESA), participando como ingeniero de proyectos de optimización energética para la industria de refinación y petroquímica (2006-2010) en muchos proyectos implementados alrededor del mundo, como becario doctoral CONICET-Empresa (2010-2014) y como desarrollador de sistemas de optimización y gerenciamiento energético (desde 2014).
Actualmente forma parte del equipo de desarrollo de Visual MESA, un software de simulación, optimización y monitoreo en tiempo real para sistemas de energía utilizado en numerosas refinerías y complejos industriales de todo el mund

Scheduling in the hydrocarbon supply chain:

Challenges and opportunities for computer aided decision support

Dr. Héctor Enrique Salomone
INGAR, UNL-CONICET, Santa Fe, Argentina

Hydrocarbon supply chain, centered mainly on Oil and Gas processing in refineries and petrochemical plants faces big challenges for their operations and distribution coordination. The task complexity and potential benefits offer bit opportunities for the application of computing,model-based, decision support systems.
In spite of being an area of great activity in the academic Process Systems Engineering literature, where there have been reported numerous proposals to solve its many problems, in practice the penetration of such proposals in the form of applications and procedures is still very poor.
This presentation will review and summarize the key aspects of coordination of operations in this supply chain, highlighting the distinctive characteristics compared to other chains. Their most important problems will be described and also the possible causes that limit the adoption of solutions developed so far will be addressed.

Biographical sketch:
Enrique Salomone es Doctor en Ingeniería Química, Investigador de Conicet, trabaja en el área de Ingeniería en Sistemas de Procesos con interés en los sistemas de soporte de decisiones basados en modelos para la gestión de operaciones. En los últimos 15 años ha participado como consultor en el diseño e implementación de varios sistemas integrados:
Análisis de Requerimientos funcionales para sistema de scheduling de la cadena de suministro de LNG, Yamal, Rusia, 2015. Diseño e implementación de sistema de scheduling de Complejo de Producción de Aromáticos, JurongAromatics, Singapore, 2013. Diseño y prueba piloto para sistema integrado de scheduling para la cadena de suministro de Petroleo y Refinación, Holly-Frontier, EEUU, 2010. Diseño e implementación sistema de planificación y scheduling para el Complejo Petroquímico de Camaçari,  Braskem,  Salvador de Bahía, Brasil, 2005. Diseño e implementación sistema de planificación y scheduling para el Complejo Petroquímico de Rio Grande do Sul, Copesul, Porto Alegre, Brasil, 2004. Diseño de procesos de negocio e implementación de Sistema integrado de gestión de la cadena de suministro del negocio de Poliestireno, Pecom Energía, 2001.